
Woodcock johnson compuscore and profiles program
Woodcock johnson compuscore and profiles program

► Factors Gc and g can be removed from the CHC model as explanatory variables. ► Gf and g represent the same (reasoning) capacity. ► If factor Gc represents a capacity it cannot represent crystallized intelligence. ► If factor Gc represents crystallized intelligence it does not represent a capacity. We argue that in the CHC taxonomy the factors Gc and g are redundant as explanatory variables.► We discuss the theoretical status of the (CHC) factors Gc, Gf and g.

Woodcock johnson compuscore and profiles program

Factors Gc and g could be removed from the model without any reduction in model fit. Gc was effectively absent, because it was statistically equivalent to verbal comprehension. As expected, Gf and g were statistically indistinguishable.

Woodcock johnson compuscore and profiles program

In support of our theoretical conclusions, we implemented the CHC model in a confirmatory factor analysis of a HCA (Human Cognitive Abilities project) data set. In addition, from our discussion of Gc, we conclude that in investment theory the factors Gf and g represent one and the same capacity.

Woodcock johnson compuscore and profiles program

We contend that if CHC factor Gc represents a capacity, it cannot represent crystallized intelligence, and if Gc represents crystallized intelligence, it does not represent a capacity. With respect to Gc, this leads to a theoretical conflict because in investment theory crystallized intelligence is not a capacity but purely a statistical entity. On the other hand, they are interpreted as representing the theoretical variables fluid and crystallized intelligence in investment theory. Higher education students have benefit from WJ III tests as well.On the one hand, the factors Gf and Gc in the Cattell–Horn–Carroll (CHC) model of intelligence are hypothesized to represent individual differences in unique psychological or biological capacities. Relative Proficiency Index (RPI) This statistic is particularly useful in predicting the clients adjustment to a particular aca- demic program. The WJ III proves to be a valuable diagnostic tool to be used to identify exceptional children including high incidence disabilities like head injury, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD low incidence disabilities such as visual impairment and autism and gifted students including those with a learning disability. The broad CHC abilities measured on one or more of the WJ Tests are: Long-Term Retrieval ( Glr), Auditory Processing ( Ga), Fluid Reasoning ( Gf), Processing Speed ( Gs), Short-Term Memory ( Gsm), Visual-Spatial Thinking ( Gv), Comprehension-Knowledge ( Gc), Reading-Writing ( Grw), and Quantitative Knowledge ( Gq). It is based on the most current theoretical model of intelligence, Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory. The Woodcock-Johnson Tests (WJ III) is a valid and reliable assessment tool of both cognitive abilities and achievement among children and adults.

Woodcock johnson compuscore and profiles program