It's cross platform, easily installed, and is based on the familiar Arduino / Processing environments. You can give it a GCode or STL file to process, and it takes it from there. Creating a new project is now up to 5 times quicker than in previous versions.This is the software that will drive your MakerBot Replicator, Thing-O-Matic, CupCake CNC, RepRap machine, or generic CNC machine. WorkNC 24 optimizes the production management process by adopting a completely revised collision management tool and adding the assembled toolpath function. Reduce or eliminate data management issues between your customers & your workshop. WorkNC translators solves compatibility problems with your customers' CAD systems. WorkNC contains specialized CAM-oriented CAD functions that can be used prior to programming. There is more to programming than just creating cutterpaths. Advantages often cited from shorter lead times to programming and flexibility on the shop floor. WorkNC, with its automatic functions and easy to use interface, is an ideal tool for shop floor machining. WorkNC Viewer ensures greatly improved information flow within your workshops allowing your WorkNC projects to be visualized and shared WorkNC's MPM eliminates these problems and offers real gains in productivity by optimizing machining operations. Machining several parts simultaneously can cause issues from multiple tool changes.

WorkNC 5-axis includes powerful, easy-to-use programming and integrated collision avoidance. WorkNC brings the benefits of 5-axis machining to all users by taking the complexity out of 5-Axis machining. WorkNC can machine from any direction, any view, any angle."Angled" and/or rotated machine code is automatically output for machine control. WorkNC includes a number of useful parameters (tangency extension, precision between points, tolerance) which allow users to fine tune the quality of finishing toolpaths according to their needs. The roughing phase of a productive CAM system allows users to significantly reduce machining times. Roughing and Re-roughing toolpaths are one of the cornerstones of WorkNC. WorkNC's 2-axis and 2½-axis strategies are specifically designed for fast machining of support plates and assembly parts. WorkNC is best of breed, complementary CAM software that enhances all design and manufacturing systems by providing the most reliable, efficient, easy-to-program cutter paths, resulting in unmatched productivity and safety. WorkNC is used by all western, Japanese and Korean automotive makers and well-known OEMs from a range of other industries. WorkNC CAM software is the premier automatic CNC software for surface or solid models in mold, die and tooling businesses for 2 to 5-axis CNC programming.